Our Social Values Daniel June 15, 2022

Our Social Values

At 4ways, we are committed to ensure Social Value is at the heart of what we do. As a key partner to the NHS, we believe we have a responsibility to contribute to:
The UK Economy UK Employees The NHS Achieving Net Zero Celebrating Diversity

Stewardship of the Environment

We understand that everyone has a role to play in protecting our environment. We are committed to becoming Net Zero by 2030 and will publish our Carbon Reduction Plan to guide us there by 2025. We’ve already taken a number of measures to get there such as only partnering with suppliers that have a minimal impact on the environment. We will work to ensure our climate preservation principles are instilled across our workforce, empowering our employees to take ownership of their carbon footprint.

We know that our people are our best asset, which is why we are expanding our workforce by 15% per annum. We have big ambitions to become a centre of excellence for technology and AI which will enable 4ways to grow the number of high paying jobs we are able to offer. To support local younger talent we will launch apprenticeships over multiple departments to ensure our community has access to a variety of professional development routes.

Increasing supply chain resilience and capacity

4ways is entirely UK based meaning we retain talented radiologists within the UK and our NHS. To sustain our service in the future, we will work with SMEs to progress our AI and technology solutions to strengthen our position as a consolidator of AI. Going forward, we will ensure what we offer radiologists, through technology, opportunities and wellbeing, so they stay reporting in the UK increasing supply chain resilience and diagnostic imaging capacity.

Ensuring equal access to work for all is incredibly important to 4ways. We already ensure our interview and onboarding processes are accessible for all candidates and employees providing individual alterations where required. Our Aim is to become further involved in supporting the reduction of the disability employment gap by joining local initiatives and providing unconscious bias training for our workforce.

Tackling workforce inequalities

4ways is an equal opportunities employer and are proud of our diverse workforce. We welcome all to 4ways regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or faith. However, we know that more can be done to provide better representation at a managerial level. We will review our pay to identify any gaps, and how we support our employees when they take extended periods of leave.

Improve health and wellbeing

The flexibility of working at 4ways for our staff and radiologists means they can work around their lifestyles and enables them to take ownership of their time. We have implemented a wellbeing programme for our pool of radiologists and will work to extend this programme to our staff through a Wellbeing committee.

Net Zero Policy
  • To heat 75m2 (small industrial space/one large room):  4.2 tonnes 
  • To heat 250m2 (a tennis court sized building):  13.5 tonnes 
  • To heat 500m2:  27 tonnes 
  • To heat 1000m2: 55 tonnes 
  • Lighting a large room, one or two electric appliances:  4.4 tonnes 

  • Lighting a small building, a few electric appliances:  9 tonnes 

  • Very small business: < 15,000 kWh per year/annual electricity bill £1,000: 5.5 tonnes 

  • Small business: < 30,000 kWh per year/annual electricity bill £2,000: 11 tonnes 

  • Medium business: < 50,000 kWh per year/annual electricity bill £3,500: 18 tonnes of CO2e 

  • Driving a medium diesel van (per 10,000 miles): 7 tonnes   

  • 1 long haul flight (per person): 3 tonnes 

  • 500 2kg parcels:  1 tonne 

  • 500 5kg parcels: 3.5 tonnes 

  • 1000 5kg parcels:  7 tonnes 

Contact us

To find out more, please fill in your details and a member of the team will be in contact.

Alternatively, call us on

01442 260 322